24-7 live tweet of insanity


A Quick Guide to The Saga of Tila

Term Definition

Ambassador to Vietnam What Tila says when she can't think of anything else to say. "I'll be Ambassador to Vietnam in 3 years." Critics have pointed-out that Ambassadors are appointed by the President, and it is highly unlikely that any president would appoint Tila to this post.

Angie Tila's 15 year-old babymamma, according to tapes & screenshots currently hosted on http://ninoskaxx.blogspot.com/. "Angie" had established phone, and email communication with Tila, and documented/recorded all of it for a month or so.
The purpose of the communication was to discuss (pregnant, or allegedly pregnant) Angie giving her baby to Tila, and the dilemma that ANGIE feared her parents discovery while being reassured by Tila that the (alleged) grandparents would never know. From what I can piece together from Twitter, (supposedly), an "ugly-haired" fellow, had gained access to Angie's recordings, and this fellow was shopping this information to the media, so the information was released on April 1 & 2nd to prevent said fellow from cashing-in with the "evidence".

*it should be noted that Tila ceased claiming to be pregnant, (again) at this time, but could change any minute.

Casa Wilson Tila's "Husband", according to Tila's Tweets circa March 31-April 2, 2010. Is this Casa's poetry bloG?-->http://wilsondisciple.blogspot.com/ (warning, graphic poetry & photos)*(see correction)

Chunks Name given by fans to fetus that Tila claimed to miscarry. Based-upon Tila's graphic description of the event.

Facebook Friends Tampon http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=335171361735 experiment created by Eduardo Retardo to see if this tampon could get more facebook friends than Tila.

Imnotreported the author of this blog. I was following the now mostly defunct YAR, youarereported army, on Twitter, but they wimped-out.

Jane Tila''s other personality, sometimes posts on Twitter. Scary.

Jayden (see Chunks) Name that Tila eventually chose for her reportedly miscarried fetus.
Jayden's Angels Name of Tila's (currently) fictional charity.

Casey Johnson (also see Wifey*) Possible reason why TILA will never work again. Besides exploiting a very sick person, TILA is on-record as advising the heiress to not take her Diabetes medication. Autopsy reports confirm that MISS JOHNSON expired due to not taking her meds as needed.
TILA has reportedly hinted via TWITTER, that CASEY'S (unused)insulin is in TILA'S refrigerator.

Joe Francis Previous business partner.TILA'S reported (ex)financial-backer for her gossip website. FRANCIS is in serious trouble with the IRS, and parents of college girls over 18 who FRANCIS exploited in his "Girls Gone Wild" series.

Mr. Bradshaw Tila's wardrobe stylist http://themrbradshaw.com/
mrstilatequila Another Twitter account that Tila posts to occasionally

Myspace Blog Tila's myspace blog page http://blogs.myspace.com/TilaTequila

Officialtila Tila's Official Twitter name. (currently disabled, supposedly under order-of her PR handlers)
officialtilaN Another Twitter account that Tila posts to occasionally

Reported Army Followers of "I Was Reported", on Twitter. Possibly extinct on Twitter.

spikedtequila.blogspot.com Another good blog that explains what's real & what's not in Tila's world. Has morphed-to spikedtequila.com

Tampon Tila Reference to Tila removing her tampon online in live streaming video

therealtila Another Twitter account that Tila posts to occasionally

Tilaomg.com (currently, as-of 4-4) Mythical gossip blog, set to launch in March,April 1, April 3 Any day now...Tila's answer to PEREZ HILTON.
Also where Tila (claims to) post EXCLUSIVE interviews! HOT! BREAKING CELEB GOSSIP!, except that there is never any content on TilaOMG.com

Tila army fans of Tila MITTIEE. Also what they go by on Twitter.

Tila's Garbage Sale Announced & promoted for March7th, but then postponed. Is Tila being evicted? *eventually occured, hot mess ensued.

Tilashotspot.com Tila's website where she posts performances and journal entries. Haters and Tila Army members communicate via "comments" on Journal entries.

#TILAOMG New Twitter account twitter.com/TILAOMG
tilasrotspot.blogspot.com Blog devoted to holding Tila accountable for what she posts online.

Twitter.com Where Tila post "Tweets", and updates her army of followers MITTIEE, and her haters.

www.facebook.com/Tila Tila's facebook page where she communicates with fans & haters

Ultrasound (see FAKE pregnancy*) Ultrasound image that according to TMZ, TILA was offering for sale. RADAR ONLINE published the image, critics pointed-out that it was an obvious forgery. IF TILA sold an image of her fake pregnancy, it could explain her desperation to continue her FAKE pregnancy, and fake miscarriage. Personally, I don't think that RADAR-ONLINE cares one way or the other since they make money from all site visitors, AND TILA supposedly earns a commission when her RADAR stories are viewed.

*(correction) Apparently, Casa Wilson is NOT married to his babymamma. That does not exclude Tila from being responsible for her husband's child-support obligations.